0,8 kWp PV-BKW Anlage in Travemünde

Plant performance

2 x Trina Vertex S+ NEG9RC.28, 445Wp, Glas-Glas


APsystems Mikrowechselrichter A-EZ1-M800W WiFi&Bluetooth


APsystems Easy PowerApp

Frame selection

K2 Splice Foot inkl. schwarze Schiene auf einem geeigneten Bitumen-Dach

Wir freuen uns, über die Installation einer 8,7 kWp PV-Anlage in Travemünde berichten zu können.

This system consists of APsystems micro inverter A-EZ1-M800W WiFi & Bluetooth, K2 Splice Foot incl. black rail on a suitable bitumen roof and APsystems Easy PowerApp, which are known for their high efficiency.


At IDS Energy, we strive to deliver high quality and user-friendly renewable energy solutions that meet your needs.

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